Loader specially designed for automatic loading and unloading of “jigs” from carts to feed them in line. The loader also has manual loading function. The pieces are handled laying on theirs lower base so as to preserve the perfection of the surface finish. Electro-welded steel structure, robust for the handling of large mouldings. Arms with telescopic function. A three-sided perimeter fence and an optical-electronic barrier on the front side provide operator safety. General control panel (normally integrated with the previous sprayer), managed by PLC and equipped with a liquid crystal display operator panel.
Unique in its kind, ideal for automating the load of panels on trolleys in small spaces
Used on coating lines and lines in general that require handling on racks
Load and unload function of parts from rack
Pick-up and insert function on the same trolley shelf
Smooth and fast handling
Available in various configurations depending on the length of the pieces
Available in the Doors version